I obtained my PhD at UC Berkeley IEOR Department. I have been interested in control, learning, and optimization.
Selected Publications
- Han Feng, Javad Lavaei, Connectivity Properties of the Set of Stabilizing Static Decentralized Controllers, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.
- Han Feng, Javad Lavaei, Damping with Varying Regularization in Optimal Decentralized Control. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.
Conference Proceedings
- Han Feng, Javad Lavaei, Learning of Dynamical Systems under Adversarial Attacks. Proceedings of Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021.
- Ali Yekkehkhany, Han Feng, and Javad Lavaei Adversarial Attacks on Computation of the Modified Policy Iteration Method. Proceedings of Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021.
- Han Feng, Haixiang Zhang, Javad Lavaei, A Dynamical System Perspective for Escaping Sharp Local Minima in Equality Constrained Optimization Problems, Proceedings of Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020.
- Han Feng, Javad Lavaei, Escaping Locally Optimal Decentralized Control Polices via Damping, Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2020.
- Han Feng, Javad Lavaei, On the Exponential Number of Connected Components for the Feasible Set of Optimal Decentralized Control Problem. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2019, Finalist for Best Student Paper.
- Han Feng, Javad Lavaei, A Convex Approximation of Optimal Distributed Controller in Frequency Domain, Proceedings of Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2018.
- Ali Yekkehkhany, Han Feng, and Javad Lavaei A Hitting Time Analysis for Stochastic Time-Varying Functions with Applications to Adversarial Attacks on Computation of Markov Decision Processes. Submitted for journal publication.
- Logistics Network Design and Supply Chain Management (IEOR 153) UC Berkeley, Spring 2021
- Algorithms for Data Science (IEOR 290) UC Berkeley, Fall 2020
- Mathematical Programming II (IEOR 262B) UC Berkeley, Spring 2019
- Nonlinear and Discrete Optimization (IEOR 160) UC Berkeley, Fall 2017 and Fall 2018
- Mathematical Analysis (B1) USTC, Fall 2015
Reviewer: CDC, ACC, ECC, IEEE TCNS, L-CSS, and TAC.
Organizer: INFORMS 2020 Session Online and Nonconvex Optimization.
Good news is under construction.